Success Stories

    Testimonial Picture of Rochella (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Rochella (2)
    “I lost over 70 pounds”

    “Its crazy really, looking at the before picture I really didn’t realize how out of control my weight was. I have always been an active person, going to the gym every day doing active things on weekends, it seemed like I could do what I wanted to physically.

    I did struggle with my eating, I guess I just got comfortable. You tell yourself, “I am reading all the fitness magazines and diets books, I work out, this is just the way I am“ and you only look at your face in the mirror when you’re getting ready. If you don’t see a problem than it doesn’t exist, right? Then I started getting tired all the time, that’s when I knew something had to change.

    I thought I would try some personal training and see where I could improve. I didn’t immediately commit to eating right but I did commit to my fitness boot camp workouts three times a week, 45 minutes a session. I mean, I was already spending way more time then that at the gym, so it should be easy. I thought.
    My first fitness boot camp class was a shock! I immediately realized I had really been going nowhere on the treadmill all those years. So anyhow, over 70 pounds lighter, I still struggle at times with my eating. But the only time I’m tired now is right after really pushing myself at each amazing fitness boot camp workout. Oh and did I mention I lost over 70 pounds?? :)”

    To Keegan,
    “Honestly, I think you are the best! You have an awesome way with people. You empower them, which is SO important because excess weight weighs them down, physically, mentally and emotionally. Helping them feel better emotionally gets them moving which makes them feel and look better. It’s a wicked cycle that you get started! Thanks for helping me get healthier.”

    Many, many thanks

    Testimonial Picture of Seri Kamp (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Seri Kamp (2)
    “I’ve lost over 30 lbs of fat, 16 inches, and counting!”

    “I decided to join Symmetry Fitness’ Boot Camp in Tucson, AZ after seeing the great results that my boss got from the program. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years working out in the gym and taking aerobics classes. I was never able to keep it up consistently because I would get bored and I felt like I was always doing the same routine. Even when I did go regularly I never saw the results I wanted and I didn’t feel like I was utilizing my time spent working out properly.

    Before joining Symmetry Fitness’ boot camp I had no energy, I was weak, and felt sick all the time. I decided to join Keegan’s boot camp because I really wanted to start focusing on my health and feeling better. With a combination of regular group personal training sessions and following the diet plan that is included with the personal training program, I very quickly started to feel better and stronger. Now I’m happy to take on any challenge and I have more than enough energy!

    I started boot camp so I could feel better, but I found myself looking so much better as well. I’ve lost over 30 lbs of fat, 16 inches, and counting! I’m so much healthier and stronger than I used to be and for the first time in my life I can see muscle definition in my legs. I really love that I don’t have to be lost inside a big box gym. The group personal training sessions are fun, challenging, and never repetitive.

    Now I recommend the Foundry to all of my friends and family and anyone who is finally ready to get into the best shape of their lives!”

    Seri Kamp
    Testimonial Picture of Jackie F. (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Jackie F. (2)
    “I am also full of energy, stronger and more toned.”

    “Although I have never really been considered overweight, I joined Symmetry Fitness Boot Camp because my self esteem was low and I wasn’t pleased with what I saw in the mirror. I was also greatly looking forward to getting rid of the dreaded “jiggly” parts.

    When I first joined Keegan’s boot camp, I felt tired, sluggish and really lacked energy and motivation. I couldn’t wait for class to be over and was constantly looking at my watch. After a couple of weeks, I noticed how much better I started to feel. I can honestly say that my boot camp class is now the highlight of my day and feel awful if I have to miss it. I am also full of energy, stronger and more toned. (I actually have definition in my arms!) I feel good about myself and plan on seeing even better results this next year. This fitness boot camp program is especially for you if you lack the motivation/dedication to go to the gym or work out alone. I personally need an extra push to work out and this fitness boot camp class provides it.

    In a nutshell, this fitness boot camp class makes you feel great. The other ladies are very supportive and have become friends. I was initially worried they would judge me and be the stereotypical “catty” group of women. I was so wrong. It’s a fun group and the session goes by quick. Hope to see you at boot camp!”

    Jackie F.
    Testimonial Picture of Melissa T. (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Melissa T. (2)
    “I have lost a total of 43 pounds and went from a size 14 to a size 6!”

    “I came to Symmetry Fitness when I hit rock bottom! The instructors are amazing! They are motivating and push you, but not to the point where it is discouraging or causes injury. In the 6 months I have been going I have lost a total of 43 pounds and went from a size 14 to a size 6!!! Keegan is amazing and creates challenging yet fun and innovative workouts that push me. I have muscles now!! It’s the most amazing feeling ever!!!”

    Melissa T.
    “My Overall Strength has improved dramatically”

    Dennis D.
    Testimonial Picture of Edgar M. (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Edgar M. (2)
    Edgar M.
    “I now have strength in muscles I never knew about.”

    “I hired Keegan Harris as a personal trainer because I needed to improve my strength and physical ability. Working with Symmetry Fitness personal training has improved my fitness dramatically and I now have strength in muscles i never knew about.”

    Kirk R.
    “I can’t say enough positive things...”

    I can’t say enough positive things about Symmetry Fitness. This is the 3rd boot camp class I have tried in Tucson. With the first 2, I was bored within the first month. Keegan Harris (founder/instructor) is the most creative and motivating trainer I have had the pleasure of working with and learning from. I’ve been working out faithfully for over 9 years and never saw the results that I’ve seen within just 2 months of Symmetry boot camp.

    Leanne C.